A lil group Huddle before the game. Bethany Joy Lenz, Sang the National Anthem OMG it was so pretty!

After Bethany got done singing (which was really pretty, but didnt get a pic of her singin cuz she was all the way down the other end of the field) They ran thru a banner that I think Hilarie made 
Hilarie Burton.. Shes SOO nice!! I talked w/ her practically the whole game, Shes awsome 
Group pic w/ Sophia! Shes so pretty! and Nice... lol Barin Corbin (whitey) is in the background 
Chad!! ahh hes so sexy!! 
Craig Sheffer (Keith Scott) 
Chad holding the trophy.. LoL he Tripped on it once and he goes "Oh shit! thats the trophy" hahaaa 
Bethany Being interviewed- Shes so pretty! 
Group pic w/ Bethany, Idk why she didnt leave her hair down 
Bethany signing a basketball for the auction 
Paul Johansson- OMG HES SO FUNNy!! 
James Lafferty! ahhh so cute! my friend got his jersey! 
Hilarie doing her crazy cheers.. she was SO into the game! lol she decorated everything, it was crazy lol the whole bleachers were blue. One time she went to go pick up the megaphone and she was bout to say something then hits this lil boy on the head w/ the megaphone But she knew him, and hits him and goes "oh shiiii..." and runs off laughing, omg it was halarious!! 
THey are so Cute together!! |