April 25, 2004
I have audio of Joy Singing the National Anthem at the Charity Basketball game (BIG thanks to Amber for sending me the tape)- Click the link Below
Bethany Joy Lenz-National Anthem
April 13, 2004
Wow.. Sorry for my lack of updates, Ive been REALLY busy. My week in Wilmington was awsome, Heres some pics from the Basketball game.... http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v150/Footballgame/Bballgame/ Please DO NOT take these or use these without my permission! I will write up how it was to be an extra, I am in the middle of moving my files to my new host, so links might be broken and some pages might be down. Hopefully my lazy butt will transfer everything quickly :) I have the footage from the football game and I am waiting for permission to use it on here, and I will have footage from the basketball game too! Hope you guys watched MTV Diary.. If you missed it, DLs are up at OTH-Fansite.Com. Enjoy Tonights episode "To Wish Impossible Things"
March 29, 2004
Well I am going to be an extra on OTH April 3 and 4th which would be the sesason finale episode... It is going to be Bethany Joy Lenz' Birtday Friday and since I am going to be there Saturday, I am making her a lil belated bday card, and What Im doing is letting all the fans write her a lil message and I will print it out and Give it to her.. if You would like to participate e-mail me at HollywoodCutey@hotmail.com You have until Thursday.. sorry for the late notice
I got hosted, So It will take me a few days to get moved and set up, sorry for the wait...
-An Exclusive Clip of the Charity Football Game ( Hope to have it up before April, but I doubt it)
-New Pics will be up around Saturday or Sunday.. Please be Patient
March 21, 2004
I met the cast of One Tree Hill, I have a few pics posted, I have like 68 lol, But I'll scan them later... these are just a few- Meeting with the Cast
Yay! I got my comp fix.. guess what I did on friday.. I MET THE CAST OF ONE TREE HILL!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!! I'LL WRITE ABOUT IT LATER!!!! AND POST PICS!! I HAVE LIKE 68! LOL
March 18, 2004
1 new wallpaper by PUNK
1 new affiliate
The picture of Nathan and Haley on the banner is from TheWb.com. Link Below... Love Trivia March 17, 2004
Moved the Promo to the right-- Just click the pic now.. Just remember right click save as :)
Added 2 new wallpapers by Rain Candy
New Affiliate Button March 14, 2004
-Update: I put up a higher quality of the Peyton and Jake promo for download. Also, I hope you guys like the new navigation buttons :)
--You can Now Request a wallpaper, promo, or music video. And, request for a new page for me to put up such as other things you want to see on this website, I will be adding an actors/character page.
I dont think the new layout is gonna come soon, I need to get hosted first, thats why.. I hope I will soon, But anyways, 1 New wallpaper up, and A new music vid should be put up soon about the cast.
March 9, 2004
2 new music vids up
March 8, 2004
Put up LOTS of spoilers and about 4 new wallpapers :) I hope u guys like them
UPDATED: Just put up a Mouth and Brooke wallpaper :) Thought it would be nice since they are going to spend a lil bit of time together in the future. And I added a song in the wallpaper link its "I shall beileve" By sheryl Crow.. the intro is long so wait a lil.
March 7, 2004
Added 3 new wallpapers made by me :)
March 6, 2004
New Layout, Tell me what you think. I put up a Lucas/Peyton/Nathan Vid in the Music Video section. Post in the Chat what you thought about it :)
If you can't get enough of One Tree Hill, You'll love watching these videos, If you would like to suggest a video, just e-mail me at Hollywoodcutey@hotmail.com. If you want to use one of the vids for your site, please ask before taking :) thanks

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